Summer: Thursday, August 27, 2009

Michael has a plan to get Kristina back to Port Charles. Nickolas plans on buying Alexis out of her accident charges. Patrick is really worried about Robin's intentions in solving Brianna Hughes's death mystery. Johnny is still seeing Olivia because he talked his way through it. Mac is concerned about Maxie's well being and her getting married to Spinelli. Alexis is determining whether or not she wants to resign her position of DA. Johnny thinks that Claudia is pretending to get along with Morgan. Robin now has a new lead in her investigation and knows where she wants to go with her lead next. Dante went to Sonny's place and found something of interest to take with him and then he ran into Max and Diane coming through the door. Sonny has just caught Johnny and Claudia arguing over their secrets and now wants to find out what they are hiding. Michael is now in trouble with one of his customers in Cancoon. Spinelli has now told Jax where Michael and Kristina are hiding. Andrea is listening on Robin and Alexis's conversation.

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