Summer: Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jason was seriously injured when the balcony of an old Mexican church collapsed. Jerry managed to crawl out of the wreckage unharmed, but Jason remained pinned. Jerry quickly found Jason's gun and then fired it at Jason. Luckily for Jason, Jerry wasn't accustomed to the gun, so his aim had been off. Jerry pointed the gun at Jason again, but he didn't shoot. Instead, Jerry asked if Jason had any last words.

Jason demanded proof that Claudia had been involved in Michael's shooting. Jerry didn't understand why it mattered to Jason. According to Jerry, the shooting had been accidental after the bullet had ricocheted. Jason didn't care; he insisted that he needed to know if Claudia had been involved. Rather than answer Jason's question, Jerry blamed Jason's predicament on his determination to learn the truth about the shooting.

Jason ignored Jerry's attempt to distract him. He insisted that he needed to know the truth, because Michael had lost a year of his life as a result of the shooting. Jerry pointed out that Jason had killed the triggerman, Ian. Jason refused to let it go, so Jerry confessed that he had been Ian's accomplice. Jason wasn't appeased. Jason demanded to know the truth about Claudia. Jerry refused to confirm Claudia's role in the shooting. Instead, Jerry accused Jason of wanting an excuse to kill Claudia. Jerry soon grew weary of his games, so he shot Jason. Jerry settled for gravely wounding Jason, rather than killing him, because Jerry wanted Jason to suffer.
I guess we now know what Jerry is up to but that still doesn't explain why he is holding Kristina and Michael hostage.

In Jerry's apartment, Michael struggled with the bodyguard. At Michael's urging, Kristina fled while the bodyguard was busy with Michael. The guard managed to gain the upper hand moments after Kristina had disappeared through the front door. The guard was furious that Kristina had escaped. Luckily for Michael, the building's fire alarm had been tripped. Before the guard could turn his wrath on Michael, Michael managed to run out the door while the residents rushed to evacuate from the building.

A short time later, Michael and Kristina were reunited. While they grabbed a bite to eat, Michael thanked Kristina for setting off the fire alarm. Kristina smiled with satisfaction because she had been able to help her brother. Michael couldn't understand why Kristina refused to return home where she had a boyfriend, friends, and an easy life. Kristina asked if Michael would leave her in Cancun if their situations had been reversed. Michael admitted that he wouldn't.

In a nearby interrogation room, Mac and the assistant district attorney talked to Detective Dante Falconari about his undercover assignment. Dante warned Mac that he had to be released before Sonny became suspicious. Diane and Lucky's entrance forced Dante to revert back to his undercover persona. Diane insisted that Dominic's arrest had been a result of an illegal search and seizure. Lucky argued that they'd had probable cause. Lucky was frustrated when the D.A. sided with Diane. After Dominic was released from custody, Diane called Johnny. She told him that the charges against Dominic had been dropped. Diane admitted that she had been impressed with Dominic's conduct during the interrogation. He'd been tight-lipped like Jason, rather than nervous and inexperienced.

Later, Dante met Ronnie at a local laundromat. Ronnie was furious because Dante's arrest had nearly blown Dante's cover. Ronnie's rant was cut short when Olivia marched into the laundromat and ordered Dante to return to Bensonhurst immediately. Olivia insisted that it was too dangerous for Dante to remain undercover. Dante reminded his mother that she was the one who was in danger because of her relationship with Johnny Zacchara. Ronnie stepped in to caution Olivia that she was jeopardizing Dante by arguing with him in a public place. Olivia realized that Ronnie had a point. On her way out the door, she demanded that Ronnie talk sense into her son. Ronnie admitted that he had reservations about Dante continuing with his assignment.

Ronnie was also worried about Olivia's involvement with Johnny and her history with Sonny. Dante was satisfied that he had successfully infiltrated Sonny's organization. He assured Ronnie that Olivia would guard her son's secrets with her life. When Olivia returned to her apartment, she found Johnny enjoying a snack. Johnny chuckled as he asked Olivia if she had gone to Sicily for the sauce. Olivia claimed that she had gone to several stores because she preferred to cook with the best ingredients. Olivia changed the subject by asking if anyone had called.

Ethan was working at the Haunted Star while Nikolas and Rebecca gambled at a nearby table. When Tracy approached the bar, Ethan assured her that he had not been skimming any money till. Tracy announced that she had a proposition for Ethan. Ethan made it clear that he wasn't interested in helping her search for Luke. Tracy laughed at the idea; she wanted Ethan to share everything that he knew about Rebecca. Ethan suggested that Rebecca wasn't after the Quartermaine fortune. As Ethan stared at Rebecca and Nikolas with growing resentment, he confided to Tracy that Rebecca had "landed a much bigger fish."

On the next General Hospital...
  • Nikolas is devastated to learn the truth about Rebecca.
  • Olivia goes behind Dominic's back.
  • Sam finds Jason in the nick of time.

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