Fall: Friday, September 11, 2009

Robin entered Edward's room to find Rebecca, Ethan, and Mac gathered around him. Robin revealed that digitalis had been found in Edward's bloodstream, indicating that Edward had been poisoned. Robin shared her theory about Andrea's intention to kill Edward. Edward confirmed that Andrea had been hovering around him nearly the entire time that he'd been at the kick-off party. Ethan found it ironic that Andrea had been killed in the crash that she had, in effect, orchestrated.

Despite Andrea's criminal activity, Edward felt responsible for having injured so many innocent people. Robin and Rebecca insisted that Edward was just as much a victim as the people who had been hurt in the crash. Mac decided to have his forensic department verify Robin's theory. If everything checked out, then Edward would be cleared of all wrongdoing. Rebecca lingered behind after the others had filed out of Edward's room. Edward feared that he had disappointed Lila with his behavior.

During a break, Patrick and Robin talked about Andrea's attempt to kill Edward. Patrick admitted that it frightened him to think of what Andrea could have done to Robin. Robin confessed that she'd never been concerned for her own safety throughout the entire investigation; however, she conceded that she would be more careful the next time. Patrick was surprised by the comment. Robin admitted that she had enjoyed the challenge; it had been addicting. Sonny accused Olivia of allowing her Catholic guilt to get the best of her. After Sonny left, Olivia convinced herself that it had been God's will that she not break her son's heart by divulging a secret that could blow his life apart. She promised to tell Sonny and Dante the truth if it was necessary. Moments later, Patrick entered the chapel.

Patrick mentioned that Olivia had left word with the front desk that she wanted to be kept apprised of Dominic's condition. Patrick wondered why Olivia had an interest in someone she barely knew. Olivia lied; she claimed that she had been in charge of the carnival. Patrick pointed out that lies could cost a patient their life. Patrick added that he didn't judge people; he was Dominic's doctor and therefore needed to know the truth. When Olivia remained silent, Patrick admitted that he knew Olivia was Dominic's mother and that Dominic was Dante.

As Jax talked, something that he said triggered a vivid memory from the time of Michael's coma. Michael recalled Jax apologizing for not revealing the truth to Carly. In the memory, Jax admitted that he'd had an opportunity to tell Carly everything, but he had opted not to. Jax concluded his confession by admitting that he couldn't risk Carly learning the truth. When Kristina cried out that he was hurting her, Kiefer immediately backed off; however, he blamed Kristina for his reaction by accusing her of throwing his gift back in his face. Kristina denied that she had done any such thing. Kiefer ignored the comment to point out that he had her favorite song programmed on the phone, and the phone was her favorite color. According to Kiefer, he paid attention all of Kristina's likes because he cared about her . Kristina apologized for seeming ungracious about the gift.

On the next General Hospital...
  • Claudia vows revenge against Anthony.
  • Olivia learns her secret is safe for now.
  • Michael turns to Sam for help.

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