Fall: Friday, September 4, 2009

Edward ordered a martini, which Andrea managed to lace with a deadly dose of digitalis. However, before Edward could consume the tainted cocktail, he spotted Deirdre Evans across the room. Andrea snarled with frustration as Edward placed his martini on the bar and then approached Deirdre. Temporarily stymied, Andrea returned to the bar to re-group. Andrea was livid when she overheard Mac apologizing to Alexis. Andrea accused Alexis of murder, and then suggested that Mac was covering up Alexis' crimes. Alexis reminded Andrea that she was not an officer of the court; therefore, Andrea's constant public accusations could be considered harassment. Mac stepped in before the situation escalated. Alexis decided that she'd had enough of Andrea's antics, so she walked away.

Andrea pounced as soon as Monica walked away from Edward. She pretended to be upset about her encounter with Mac and Alexis. Edward advised Andrea to maintain a low profile until the situation had resolved itself. Andrea kept trying to tempt Edward to drink his martini, but Edward didn't seem interested. Eventually, Andrea claimed that she was somewhat hurt by Edward's refusal to drink with her.When Andrea toasted to Edward's health, Edward finally lifted the glass to his lips and drank the deadly martini. Andrea watched Edward intently as an expression of satisfaction slowly crossed her features. Later, Jason and Sam were staked out in Metro Court's hallway, near room 705. Sam explained that she had been hired to follow Deirdre Evans because Deirdre's business partner suspected her of wrongdoing. After Deirdre entered her hotel room, Sam received a text alert that Deirdre had recently purchased a negligee in the hotel's boutique. Sam was certain that Deirdre was meeting a lover.

When a hotel guest spotted Jason and Sam lurking in the hallway, she immediately suspected that they were thieves who were casing the hotel rooms. She threatened to call security if Jason and Sam did not leave. Sam introduced Jason as her fiancé before she launched into a story about how they were trying to decide if they should book a honeymoon suite. The guest apologized for the misunderstanding, advised Jason and Sam not to spare any expense for their honeymoon, and then left.Jason admitted that Sam was good at what she did. Sam smiled with pride; she confessed that she enjoyed her work. However, she didn't understand why most of her cases revolved around sex. Just then, a bellboy arrived with chilled champagne for Deirdre's room. Sam considered the champagne delivery to be further proof that Deirdre was meeting a lover.

Diane and Max were in bed after making love. Max admitted that it bothered him that Diane didn't seem to be interested in things such as what Max liked to read. Diane argued that she was curious about his life, but Max wasn't swayed. When Diane remembered that she was expected at the carnival kick-off party, she suggested that Max wait for her in bed until she returned. Max bristled; he asked her if that was her way of saying that he was good enough to sleep with, but not good enough to take to the party. Diane clarified that she hadn't asked him to go to the party because she thought that he would have been bored to tears. Max announced that he was tried of being Diane's "plaything." He decided that he would go to the carnival without her. Moments later, Max left.

Later, Sonny and Kristina went to see a fortune-teller. The old woman acknowledged that Kristina was a child of privilege. According to the gypsy, despite Kristina's advantages, she felt alone and abandoned. The fortune-teller promised Kristina that her cry for help would be heard and answered. However, she warned Kristina that the danger to her was real and it would come from where Kristina least expected it. Sonny accused the gypsy of knowing who he was, but the woman denied it. In the hospital's locker room, Patrick dried off while Robin announced her decision to go to Metro Court. She wanted to check on Edward. Robin was worried that Andrea might try to harm Edward if she realized that he could place Andrea at the Metro Court on the night of Brianna's murder.

On the next General Hospital...

  • A car crash on Harbor View Road leaves Claudia and her unborn child's life at risk.
  • Meanwhile, Sonny learns that Claudia was in an accident immediately after getting confirmation that he's the father of the baby she's carrying.
  • Michael and Kristina both separately worry they may have caused the crash.

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