Winter: Friday, February 5, 2010

Dante ends up surviving and when questioned about the shooting he claims that he shot himself. Sonny doesn't realize how much trouble he has really gotten himself into. Luke advises Sonny to move out of Port Charles until this whole situtation blows over. However he turns down Luke's offer to fly out of town. Mean while, Jax tells Carly that he has been playing good cop\bad cop routine with Dante. And she flips out and decides to live with Jason but tells Jax she is staying at the hotel. Micheal comes home to find out that Jax has betrayed him once again.

Keith hits a sore spot for Kristina. Kristina is extremely upset by what her father has been doing with Dante and his organization. Keith offers sympathy and a sex distraction but then she turns him down. And of course, once again they have an arguement. And he gets pissed off by her mixed messages and she tells him to leave. He refuses and decides to strike her and then smooth talk his way into getting her to forgive him, yet again.

Elisabeth is spiraling out of control and Nickolas is freaking out. Nickolas wants Lucky to make amends with Elisabeth. Elisabeth needs a break and Nickolas feels as though Lucky is her only chance to cheering her up and getting her out of her funk. Lucky and Nickolas are still not in a good place right now, but he agreed to try and help her. Elisabeth needs some clarity in her life but how is she going to do that while being all stressed out. She has been not only seeing and sleeping with Nickolas, but she has also been at it with Lucky. Lucky feels as though Elisabeth might be pregnant again, but no one is sure of who the father is.

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