Saturday, March 21, 2015

There has been quite a development over the last few days.

Ava Gerrome mother of both baby Avery and son Julian Gerrome has terminal third stage, nonhodgkins limphoma. The woman who is dating Franco, won't let go of him. She faked being mentally unstable to avoid parolled jail time. But Franco is pretending in front of her, that he's dellusional by calling her Patty.  Julian Gerrome has oficially hired Jake Doe to work on his mob. Also Jake Doe goes on a date with Elizabeth and things get akward but overall goes well. Just as their date continues, a woman shows up claiming to be Jake Doe's Wife?!? But this sounds like Rick Lansing's ploy to gain his relationship with Elizabeth back. Same song and dance between those two.

Sonny teaches Spinelli how to box so he can fight Maxie's new lover. Maxie was caught aiding and in the escape of Dante. Dante's mother Olivia, is pregnant with Sonny's kid, but Sonny doesn't know?
Morgan and Michael are plotting against Sonny and Carly for Baby Avery. Alexis is in love with Julian!

Lulu, Carly, and Tracy get together as an allied front to figure out why neither of them knew that Luke Spencer had a half niece nobody knew about. But their main objective was to figure out why Luke was in charge of Port Charles's Drug Cartel. Why was he so important to Helena's brainwashing scheme? And what does that have to with the abandoned Waterfront Property that used to belong to the Quartermaines? Just as she answers the door, Luke Spencer who is now on paroll lurking behind the door with a gun!

Coming up on General Hospital....

Luke starts a hostage and murder plot
Tracy seems to think this whole Luke stuff is crazy.
Ava learns she won't live longer than a week.
Is Elizabeth and Jake's relationship over?!?
Bobby goes on another long trip.
Is Carly and Sonny's feud about Jake Doe going to ruin their plans to starting a new family?

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