Monday, April 6th, 2015

Luke finds out you cannot hide from the truth, and the past will always follow you and cannot change. Luke and the gang travel back to the Edgar House. Violet helps Luke see his past so differently. Mr. Edgar had domestic violence and vigorous physical abuse. Luke had tried very hard to forget about that night. Things got out of hand when Luke couldn't take the abuse anymore but his mother intervened and got hit in the head first and died upon arrival of Operating Room. While Violet waited for her mother in the ER, Luke had a confrontation with his father yet again. Then he gathered the strength to strike his father, with the baseball bat until he died.

Suddenly after the story was fortold, Violet in her old age and poor condition fell out of the wheelchair gasping for breath. Shortly after she too had passed away. Luke finally snapped out of his violent ways, layed his head on her and cried.

Patrick and Sam have not only decided to move into his place, but plan on getting married soon.
Meena sets off to live with Franco at the Metro Court despite both Nathan and Alexis's advisement.
Rick Lansing's scheme to get back with Elizabeth continues, but Carly and Jake figure out his plan. But Rick is not giving up his ploy. Carly and Sonny's relationship has come to an end now that Avery doesn't have custody granted to them. Olivia might have her baby sooner than expected. Julian is determined to be the rightful father, despite her wishes. Anna's sting hits a snag.

Spencer is making a good recovery at Schreiners.

Sorry to say that not much has changed other than Franco and Meena going free, and the truth about the Spencer Family's past.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lulu figures out Luke attacked Valarie just as Tracy tells Bobbie the recent events. The group continues to the conservatory nursing home in Pennslyvania, where they find Luke holding Barbara Jean at gun point. But just as the whole plan is about to be revealed, security and one of the nurses catches them!

Julian hires an attorney to help find out the truth about the father of Olivia's baby, much to her dismay. The interesting thing is, he hired Rick Lansing! Olivia disapproves of the new hotspot for Julian's mob meetings. Carly finds out Olivia was black mailed into giving Franco and Meena a room in her hotel.

Jake Doe, Carly, and Elizabeth catch Rick in the act of scheming Jake Doe's life, in attempt to have a relationship with Elizabeth. Molly's on a mission to find an online date for Rick, much to his dismay.
The court has decided to let Meena and Franco free dispite the town's warnings and disapprovement.
Meena is determined never to leave Franco's side and is on a mission to get her money back.

On the next General Hospital.....

The Pennslyvania gang gets arrested except Luke.
The new police comissioner tries to shutdown Anna's sting to shutdown the Gerrome mob.
Rick is put on trial for fraudulent tampering and stealing people's lives.
Spinelli hits rock bottom in his love life.
Sam explores living with Patrick at his house.

Random Thoughts: Politics

Today's Random Thoughts Topic: #politicalstandstills

This Topic is so vast I don't know where to begin. This world needs a cutthroat, no bullshit tollerance.
The Justice System doesn't exist anymore since what happened in Ferguson County last year back in 2014. A terrorist at the age of 19 is allowed to get away with bomb making, robery, having an unregistered gun, and somehow gets free because he's Islamic and being tried with the same practices used in Ferguson County.

A mother whom is unable to give birth enlists in the help of a surrogate but just before the delivery of the baby, the surrogate mother creates a scheme to keep the baby all to herself. But according to the law, they cannot just step in and arrest the surrogate mother until its too late. The studies show that 85% of these mother's never receive any closure. Most importantly though these surrogate mother's, lie, steal, stalk, destroy property, and make any excuse possible to start their lives over with the mother's baby, their other kids, houses, cars, money, even their husbands. They make a new alias, new ID, new home, new stories about their lives, even go to another city and state. In rare cases they often change their appearance too.

A husband marries his high school sweetheart and they look perfectly well together in public, but when alone the hidden reality sets in. The husband comes home late every night; drunk, angry, belligerent, unable to think clearly. The husband starts swearing and fighting, but it soon leads to physical assults, and affectionate appologies but doesn't change. The wife feels vonuerable but the loving bond is so strong she cannot turn away. Until one day, the wife cannot take it anymore and attacks back. The wife feels guilty about killing or injuring the husband. Its considered self defense but according to the law its murder. The only way to keep that person alive, ends up getting that person arrested because the justice system is afraid to let the person go. The fear becomes known as the person might kill again, so they should sit in a cell until they learn not to kill others, and not be afraid of society.

Politicians hear about these tradgic story but refuse to change old laws!

Random Thoughts: Movie Theatre Choices

I've noticed this blog is boring and only talks about what used to be my favorite show, General Hospital. I've had this blog since 2009 and now I want to attract more viewers and have more to talk about than the show, so everyday I'll post a Random Thoughts Column. I not only want fans of GH to come to my blog, but outside fans too.

Let's get the ball rolling....

Today's Topic; #movietheaterchoices

It seems as though Hollywood film Producers need to make a movie based on world politics. Or they produce fictionized ideas for Criminal activity.

Sniper Trial happened before the movie launched and made billions world wide. Politicians would feel like its "conflict of interest" towards the case, if the movie was made before the trial and investigation but since it was made afterwards its not a conflict of interest or violation of privacy and other laws! It didn't make any sense at all, if the man was murdered in the US its a crime; but if he was shot over in Afganistan during the war it wouldn't be.

Another example would be final destination saga promoting suicides and homiscidal idiots globally. And it also insults all religions across the board! They paint pictures of God and the ruler of death to kill people for no reason. And its also racist and sexist too. Think about it, the same black male in all movies disquises himself as God and the coroner too. So now what if we invisioned this guy as white and female would the characters feel as though God was still responsible or would they consider it as that character's multiple homiscides are all accounted for but faked to get away with it? There must be hidden shots with that man setting up all murders. He has 5 cameos with every character and shows up before not only the group of friends but the police! Maybe the chinese female with the premonitions is really a transformed demon that changes in each movie? Why are all of the main starting points for the plots, always on a vehicle that crashes? And the Devil has a qouta to reach too.

First movie: 14 people on the plane 7 died
Second movie: 23 people on the roller coaster 14 died
Third movie: 32 people on the train 27 dead
Fourth movie: 200 people on the 6 died
Fifth movie: 47 people on the bus 3 survivedl

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Maxie and Nathan are officially broken up. Spinelli confronts Maxie about his affirmations and tries to reconcile his relationship with Maxie. Maxie is uncertain about her future love life. But she definitely doesn't want anybody to love right now.

Meena's court date is today along with Franco. Sadly both of them admitted to Alexis their schemes to be together and get off free. Diago thinks there's a development in Meena's mental condition.  The Judge is not convinced Meena is in the right state of mind after hearing how she endangered Ava's baby. After Franco enters the court room during her trial.

Carly comes over to Elizabeth's house for a celebration. After Elizabeth tells Carly about recent events, she plots to figure out the truth about the new person claiming to be Jake's wife. Carly and Elizabeth walk into the hotel and find Franco kissing the con artist claiming to be his long lost wife.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Rick Lansing's plot to thwart Elizabeth's love life with Jake Doe has been confirmed. Alexis isn't happy that Sam asked Julian Gerrome to let Jake Doe work for him. Elizabeth doesn't buy the whole "rekindling marriage troubles". Julian doesn't believe that Olivia's pregnant with Ned's baby. Unfortunately it is his and Olivia's lying to him, to avoid being in love with a mobster.

Luke has officially made himself at home holding his new niece captive but without restraint. Tracy doesn't believe her new niece is willing to tell the truth about Luke's family and his new criminal plot.
But why is Valerie Spencer's mother so important to Tracy, Luke, and Lulu?

Maxie has been confronted with an ultimatum; choose either Spinelli or Logan! Maxie has to choose one of them or risk loosing them both. Maxie is no longer involved with aiding and abbeding charges.  
Ava asks Syrus to kill her but give her one last request first. Syrus decided against the idea.

On the next General Hospital.......

Will Alexis and Julian move into together?
Will Patrick and Sam give the apartment to Alexis and live together at his place?
Ava asks for outside help commiting suicide.
Franco has another court appearance.
Nickolas faces an ultimate decision reguarding Spencer.
Is Valarie's mother really dead?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

There has been quite a development over the last few days.

Ava Gerrome mother of both baby Avery and son Julian Gerrome has terminal third stage, nonhodgkins limphoma. The woman who is dating Franco, won't let go of him. She faked being mentally unstable to avoid parolled jail time. But Franco is pretending in front of her, that he's dellusional by calling her Patty.  Julian Gerrome has oficially hired Jake Doe to work on his mob. Also Jake Doe goes on a date with Elizabeth and things get akward but overall goes well. Just as their date continues, a woman shows up claiming to be Jake Doe's Wife?!? But this sounds like Rick Lansing's ploy to gain his relationship with Elizabeth back. Same song and dance between those two.

Sonny teaches Spinelli how to box so he can fight Maxie's new lover. Maxie was caught aiding and in the escape of Dante. Dante's mother Olivia, is pregnant with Sonny's kid, but Sonny doesn't know?
Morgan and Michael are plotting against Sonny and Carly for Baby Avery. Alexis is in love with Julian!

Lulu, Carly, and Tracy get together as an allied front to figure out why neither of them knew that Luke Spencer had a half niece nobody knew about. But their main objective was to figure out why Luke was in charge of Port Charles's Drug Cartel. Why was he so important to Helena's brainwashing scheme? And what does that have to with the abandoned Waterfront Property that used to belong to the Quartermaines? Just as she answers the door, Luke Spencer who is now on paroll lurking behind the door with a gun!

Coming up on General Hospital....

Luke starts a hostage and murder plot
Tracy seems to think this whole Luke stuff is crazy.
Ava learns she won't live longer than a week.
Is Elizabeth and Jake's relationship over?!?
Bobby goes on another long trip.
Is Carly and Sonny's feud about Jake Doe going to ruin their plans to starting a new family?