Summer: Friday, August 21, 2009

Claudia confronts Sonny with her feelings about her lost child. Jax and Olivia discuss Dante's  future. Jason is slowly getting better. Olivia and Jax are afraid that Carly might find out their secrets. Sonny creates a scollarship with Claudia and his name on it. Claudia fears that Sonny is going to divorce him soon. Jason tells Sam that he is willing to die right now because he feels as though he has made a big mistake and everyone that cares about him or is related to him might be too disappointed in him. Nickolas finally admits to Elisabeth that he needs help getting over his disappointments with Rebecca and his feelings for Emily. Carly is starting to catch onto Dante's real relationship to Olivia. Will Rebecca decide to stay in Port Charles once she's paid off Edward's debt? Will a miracle happen to Jason? Is Claudia ever going to move on with her feelings about loosing her child? Is Sonny ever going to divorce Claudia?

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