Summer: Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kate confronts Jax with her fears about Crimson. Olivia is still persistent on moving Dante away from Sonny. Lucky wants Elisabeth to spend a lot of time with Nickolas until he is able to move on from his grievance of Emily/Rebecca. Dante thinks that him and Lulu have some sort of close love relationship. Jax is about to confront Olivia when he accidentally over hears her talking to Kate about her son Dante. Johnny is starting to catch on to Dante's real purpose for being in Port Charles and wanting to work for Sonny. Is Jax planning on telling Sonny about Olivia's son Dante? Will Spinelli finally tell Carly, Sonny, and Jax the location of Michael and Kristina. Will Nickolas give Rebecca a second chance and possibly become friends? Will Dante ever let go of his affections towards Lulu? Is Olivia ever going to let Dante bring down Sonny and still be okay with it?

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