Summer: Monday August 10, 2009

Will Jerry kill Sam or hold her hostage again? And what is Jerry's plan behind being nice to Michael and Kristina? Should Claudia be allowed to live after what she has done or has been through recently or in the past? Mac has told Spinelli to back off of his daughter, Maxie, and after he does that Maxie comes out of nowhere and yells at Mac for telling her who she can marry. Will Spinelli keep on trying to get Maxie to marry him? Is Jason and Sam leaving GH? Is Scott Baldwin going to come back on the show again with Laura? And what ever happened to Luke? We haven't seen him around in so long. The last time he was on the show he was kidnapped by Helena (Nickolas's mother) and we haven't seen him since. Will Tracy ever divorce Luke or will she learn how to deal with him and remain pissed off? Do you think that Olivia still has feelings for Sonny even though he's married to Claudia? Will the DA of Port Charles (Alexis Davis) officially be arrested for Kristina and Michael's wrong doings?

Tell me what you guys think and post a comment on my blog.

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