Summer: Friday, August 7, 2009

Jerry ends up shooting the two men that were holding Michael and Kristina hostage with a silencer and throws them into the two trash bins in the alley. Sam ends up finding them in the bins and gets an idea of where Michael and Kristina might be headed. Once Sam goes to the hotel room to listen for Michael and Kristina she ends up running into Jerry Jax at gun point, yet again! Keith (Kristina's boyfriend) goes to her house and talks to Morgan and Molly trying to console them; and of course, who decides to show up; Sonny. Carly and Jax officially decide it's best for Michael if he lives with her instead of with the Quartermaines or with Sonny. I personally think it's best for Michael to live with Jason but hey what do I know. Robin has determined that Andrea Floyd is Brianna Hughes's killer and not Alexis or Matt.

Spinelli goes over to Mac's house during their family dinner and asks Mac if her can marry Maxie. Kristina and Michael are living in Jerry's apartment and he's playing his all nice-nice routine with them and claims that they can trust him and they spill. And apparently Jason is still unable to be reached.

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