Summer: Thursday, August 6,2009

Alexis confronts Molly with her dilema about the police. Sam contacts Spinelli with the new information on Michael and Kristina's whereabout and informs Spinelli that she cannot contact Jason. Edward discusses his past about Lila with Rebecca. Morgen and Max try to distract Carly from going after Michael and Kristina. Jerry is listening off in a corner of a library in Mexico. Robin thinks she has Brianna Hughes's death. Michael sends Morgan another e-mail and then he goes to Kristina and relay the news Michael gave him and he was told not to tell anyone else.
Carly confronts Jax about his scheme to keep her in the house resting up and taking it easy so she won't kill her-self or nonetheless her baby.Jerry happens to walk in on Michael and Kristina and sees that his men he hired made a big mistake because it's no fun unless he gets there first.

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