Summer: Wednesday, August 5, 2009

At the Quartermaine mansion, Ethan told Rebecca that she was the one person who truly knew him. Ethan considered Rebecca a kindred spirit because, like Ethan, adoptive parents had raised her. Ethan claimed that he viewed his adoptive parents as the only real parents he had. Luke had been a huge disappointment because he had dropped out of Ethan's life without any warning. Rebecca implored Ethan to understand that her feelings for Nikolas were genuine. She stressed that her relationship was no longer part of their scam. Rebecca promised to pay Ethan the money that she owed him, but Ethan rejected the offer. He declared that he was no longer interested in the money. Ethan wanted a future with Rebecca.

Olivia and Johnny were on the sofa in the middle of a heated kiss when Dominic barged into the apartment. Olivia jumped off the sofa and then put some distance between her and Johnny. Johnny was furious that Dominic had walked into the apartment uninvited. Johnny assumed that Dominic was there to see him on behalf of Sonny. Johnny promised to meet up with Sonny later and then ordered Dominic leave. Dominic seemed slightly shell-shocked as he turned and walked out.

At the hospital, Claudia asked Sonny if he wanted her to live with him after she was released from the hospital. Sonny confessed that he thought she needed to be in a familiar place where she was comfortable. Sonny promised to give Claudia what she needed and to treat her with the respect that she deserved. Claudia was pleased, but she wanted to know what Sonny's expectations were. Sonny regretted how he had treated her. He insisted that he wanted the opportunity to be decent to her. Claudia seemed satisfied with his answer. Before Sonny left, he offered to have her bedroom prepared for her arrival. Claudia appreciated his consideration.

Jerry confessed that he looked forward to seeing "Sweet Sam" again. Claudia threatened to give Jerry up in a "heartbeat" if Michael was harmed. Jerry reminded Claudia that she had set the events into motion when she had contacted him, so she had to live with the consequences. Moments later, Johnny entered the room. He snatched the phone out of Claudia's hand when he realized that she had been talking to Jerry.He was furious that Claudia had sent Jerry after Michael because of a twisted vendetta for a crime that Michael wasn't even responsible for. Johnny accused Claudia of being a "crazy bitch." Johnny couldn't believe that Claudia continued to mess with Michael's life even after she had put him in a coma. Claudia couldn't defend herself, so she revealed that Jerry's new target was Jason.

Moments later, Olivia entered Kelly's. When she spotted Dominic and Sonny together, she approached their table. Olivia managed to let Dominic know that he had overstepped his bounds by entering her apartment uninvited. Luckily for Olivia, Sonny didn't catch on that she was Dominic's mother. However, when she warned Dominic that he shouldn't be working for Sonny, Sonny asked why she cared. Olivia claimed that she thought working for Sonny was a waste of an opportunity. As they watched Olivia walk out, Sonny bragged, "She's crazy about me."

On the next General Hospital...
  • Dominic is hiding a major secret.
  • Sam's in for a surprise when she finds Michael and Kristina.
  • Spinelli finally has his say with Mac.

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